Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Rob Lowe Roast

For a women who wrongly thinks she is funny, Ann Coulter looked totally out of place and uncomfortable during the Rob Lowe Roast. I can't stand her either but watching her take punch after punch in the roast got very uncomfortable.  Eventually no matter how you feel about someone watching them take repeated blows to the head with a baseball bat just gets uncomfortable.

Jeff Ross, Rob Lowe himself and David Spade apparently reached out to Coutlers people to apologize  for this massacre. That speaks incredibly highly on them. They did something that no one in the audience would be capable of. I get it, it's a roast and it's a roast on an adult network. It's not for the faint of heart or those who are easily offended or take themselves too seriously. Judging from her reactions, Coutler takes herself very seriously and was way out of her league that night.  

The two things I've "learned" watching it? Tolerant people love to bully others who don't agree with them (I already knew that one) and someone who prides herself on being tough and saying unbelievably cruel things (even in jest) can be just as fragile and thin skinned as the tolerant pc babies she hates. 

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