Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Going from "mistress" to "wife"

Obviously this is influenced by Brad and Angelina, but it's been on my mind for a long time.

We've all made mistakes in our personal life. Sometimes those mistakes can be very serious and hurt people we love. We all make mistakes but no one is entitled to mistakes. It's a big difference that few people understand. No one is perfect, and by me saying that I mean that I am the weakest of the weak and the biggest hypocrite out there.

Going from "mistress" to "wife" almost never ends well for anyone. It doesn't end well for your first wife (and the genders can be reversed on this, of course) and if you upgrade the current mistress to wife status, it probably won't end well in that case either. Why? The feelings you have for your new love are the same feelings you've had for your "old love". The feelings that you think have faded for your "old love" will also fade for your "new love". If you remember this and live by it, you will save yourself a lifetime of pain and agony.

Society today loves to talk about trusting your heart, gut, instincts, etc. You are free to do this and if they work for you, they work for you. It's not an inherently bad thing/immoral thing to do. The older I get though the more I think you should follow your head, not your heart though.

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