Thursday, September 22, 2016

Are we really one nation?

The answer to this is an obvious no.

And that's okay.

First and foremost, we are a nation of individuals. That means we all have common interests and values, but different opinions on everything. America truly is a glorious melting pot of all types of people, and we should be celebrated for that. America is like that boyfriend you never treated well then he finally smartened up and told you to hit the road. You are still stuck dating losers and he's found himself a woman who will treat him right.

That doesn't mean there is no divide here. We are deeply divided between red and blue states, city and country, liberal and conservative. One side wants the other to accept their values, shut up and move on while the other side just wants to be left alone to live our lives. I'll let you decide which is which.

A popular politician said there is no red America or blue America. He was totally wrong. There is a divide that is growing, not shrinking.

I'm not sure we will ever be one nation in the sense that we'll agree on everything. The partisan divides in America are just too deep right now.

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