Friday, September 30, 2016

Album of the weekend

Quiet Riot-Metal Health 

The first album from Quiet Riot was pop rock, and it wasn't very good. The second album from Quiet Riot I never heard until very recently, and I didn't like that either. I was stunned because their original guitarist, Randy Rhoads worked with Ozzy Osbourne for some albums that I absolutely love. So it was with serious trepidation that I even bothered listening to their third, Metal Health. 

It's surprisingly good. Nothing you haven't heard before (I don't mean that you've never heard the songs-believe me, you have) but that doesn't mean it's bad. One of the songs on the album is an anthem of rock music that I really like-Come on Feel the Noise. The sad part for Quiet Riot is that their most well known song was originally done by Slade, a pioneering British glam band. They do have some decent songs of their own on this album-Bang Your Head and Love's a Bitch. 

While this album isn't exactly a masterpiece of glam rock, it's certainly worth a second look. Sad that their biggest hit was a cover and they never took off on their own though. 

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