Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dani Mathers and body shaming.

Often times some people think that women are not capable of cruelty or evil. I am not trying to get into a gender war and I know it's terribly un-pc of me to say, but yes, both genders are capable of being little monsters. 

Dani Mathers, the Playboy centerfold who took a picture with some smartass comment about the body of another women, is one of those women who is truly vile. I can assure you this wasn't the first time that she said something rude and obnoxious about someone else. I never saw Mean Girls, but Mathers is beyond that because she's old enough to know better. The bigger issue is like the ESPN reporter who tore into a tow truck driver-Mathers thought she could get away with this. No normal person would do something so nasty. 

I think the "shaming" movement is mostly garbage. Sometimes a little shame is a good thing because it means you won't do the same wrong thing again. This is apparently "body shaming" or something, and it's a totally legit movement. We should accept our bodies as beautiful in their own way,  no matter who we are or what they look like. This poor woman who Ms. Mathers body shamed (I feel so young using that term) was ten thousand times more beautiful than Mathers ever will be. 

Mathers career is ruined and that's karma working in all it's glory. 

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