Thursday, September 15, 2016

Being LDS and having a dark sense of humor

After getting caught in his latest hedonistic act, the writer Evelyn Waugh was asked "How can you call yourself a Christian?" His response? "Just think how much worse I'd be if I wasn't a Christian." Wit. You either have it or you don't.

Speaking of wit and dry senses of humor, you might has if an LDS can have a dark sense of humor. The answer is of course they can.  Don't confuse "dark" with "vulgar" the two are different, and an LDS can enjoy bawdy and vulgar comedy as well. A dark sense of humor might not be for everyone and it doesn't have to be. Just having a dark sense of humor doesn't make you a bad person either. In fact, having a dark sense of humor is generally a good coping method for the more tragic things that can happen to you in life.

Dark senses of humor are like a taste in transgressive fiction. Those who don't have it love to think the worst of those who of us who do. Books like "American Psycho" and "Lolita" are landmarks of transgressive fiction and have a dark sense of humor/subject matter. Ironically, both books are often talked about by people who have never bothered to read them or simply totally miss the point. It's a sad life truth that ignorant people are the quickest to judge

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