Monday, April 18, 2016

Robert De Niro and "the truth about vaccines"

Oh Bobby, what have they done to you?

How the mighty have fallen. He's gone from some of the greatest movies of all time (Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver) to movies that are terrible. Meet the Fockers? Really? Ben Stiller-another one of my favorites, also continues to whore himself when he appears in those movies. Two of my favorite movies of all time are Raging Bull and Reality Bites, for the record. 

Back to De Niro. A big problem in our society is that people believe everything actors, celebrities and "doctors" say. Just because you are/were a good actor-even a legendary one at one time-doesn't mean you have knowledge of every subject known to man. Sure, you have the right to spout off idiotic views (Gwyneth Paltrow, anyone?) but you don't have to right to be taken seriously.

Same with doctors. A physician who sees patients on a regular basis doesn't know much about complex heart surgery. Sure, they'll know more than I would, but just having an MD doesn't mean you know everything about medicine.   

I'm not a doctor so I don't claim to be an expert in the medical area. I'm not a science guy either (just never appealed to me. I was/am much more interested in the humanities and history) but I do like reading about pseudo-science. Most anti-vaccination information out there is totally absurd. It has the same scientific merit as homeopathy. If you want to not vaccinate your kids, fine-but a good thing to remember? People are alive today because of vaccines. No one really gets polio, small pox, typhoid fever-and yes, it is because of vaccines. 

It's sad. I never thought De Niro could sink lower than his recent movies, but he's doing a good job with his latest project. 

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