Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ebola, Zika, and scaring yourself to death

"Do you worry? You look like you do." -Mark Steyn 

Remember everyone getting really, really scared about Ebola? You had people online telling us that there was a government cover up and Ebola had broken out into the mainstream population. You had the 24 hour news stations over hyping the tragic death of someone who contracted the disease in Africa and died in America. Then, when a nurse had it who foolishly went on a plane-people went crazy saying that it was finally the end. Thank God for Shepard Smith from Foxnews. Their best anchor was the sole voice of reason there. 

I'm going to blunt, again. Those people claiming that Ebola would be the death of all of us were foolish at best, and delusional at worst. The odds of contracting Ebola are small, quite small really. You have a better chance of dying in a roller coaster accident. Think of that the next time you go to Disney. Hopefully I'll see you there. I love that place. 

Notice how the fear mongers never apologize? Of course they don't. There are many signs of wisdom, but there are also many signs of foolishness. One sign of foolishness is never apologizing or admitting that you are wrong. 

This brings us to Zika. I can guarantee you this : You will not die of Zika. It's massively overhyped, like SARS. Swine Flu. Ebola. Heterosexual AIDS. 

In the end, it's not up to me if you scare yourself to death. If you want to live in fear I feel sorry for you, but you are surely welcome to do so. What I do care about is if you spread fear. Sadly, people are gullible. It's easy to make them afraid and it's less easy to reassure them after they've been scared.

Life is actually getting better.  It's not a fact that people want to hear, but it is a fact. We have more free time, we work in better conditions, and we are living much longer, healthier lives. Why more people won't beleive this is beyond me. I guess it's fun to think that the end of the world is near for some reason. 

My personal, subjective belief is that we do live in the latter days. But that could be a long time in the eyes of the Lord. Every generation at times thought they were living in end times. So far, they have been wrong. 

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