Monday, April 25, 2016

Arena Football

I went to an Orlando Predators game, and the Amway Center is absolutely gorgeous. Unlike some other arenas the seating is extremely comfortable, the concessions are still pricey but actually tasty and the whole arena has the vibe of an upscale mall. An added treat is that a parking garage is attached to it so you have a safe, well lit walk. 

All that is interesting but would be pointless if the event being held there was boring. I'm not into NFL football. Nothing against it but it's never been my big thing. I've always been a huge baseball fan and that's where my I get my sports fix. College football has grown on me, but I'm hardly a big fan. 

The rock band Kiss owns a struggling football team called "LA Kiss". In their inaugural season they had their own television show called "Fourth and Loud". It was a very interesting show. It showed how little Paul and Gene know about sports-expecting a championship in the expansion year of a franchise is laughable-and it also showed the players lives. Arena football is minor league football. The players aren't paid nearly as much as the NFL and therefore, the players are more accessible to the lives of everyday Americans. 

Sure the football "isn't as good" as the NFL but for a non NFL fan, I couldn't tell the difference. You are also close to the action, very close in fact. You can see the players talking to each other, you can see their faces when they take off the helmets. 

It's also high scoring and action packed. The field is smaller than the NFL and I'm sure there are other reasons, but the scores in Arena Football seem to be much higher than the scores in the NFL. 

Minor league sports have always had their benefits over the big leagues. It's cheaper to go to, usually not as popular as the big leagues and it's a little bit more of a party atmosphere. 

Arena football is football for people who aren't into football. 

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