Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018!

This December I'm seeing a lot of people complain about 2018. Oddly, last December I also saw a lot of people complain about 2017. Amazingly, a few years ago I saw a lot of people complain about 2016. Shockingly, several years ago I saw a lot of people complain about 2015. Notice a pattern here? I do. Basically, people will complain about the end of the year no matter what year it is. I highly doubt that your life is so bad that every year is a bad one.

But if it is, then you have some of the blame for it.

Look everyone has something bad happen to them. Sometimes we can have serval bad things happen to us over a long period of time. But if every year of your life is miserable than yes, you are at fault. You either need to change your outlook on life and stop complaining, or change your circumstances so that your life isn't as miserable as you think it is. If you are an adult, you do have the power in life to change both your outlook and circumstances, unless you are in prison. You just need the backbone and desire to change.

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