Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tide pod eating challenge

Okay, I've done some stupid things as a kid, teenager, young adult and adult. One thing I've never done though is eat things that are clearly not edible and often very dangerous. If your teenager has the desire to eat laundry detergent you, the school system and your child should all hang your heads in shame. I can't believe that eating laundry detergent is actually a trend going on right now. I really can't.

Some states are thinking of banning Tide Pods. This shows how useless government is. Banning Tide Pods will do nothing but effect the people who work at the company that owns Tide. Simply put-it's not their fault that your kid is so stupid that he decides to eat Tide Pods.

One of the benefits of idiots eating Tide Pods is that we've seen some great memes going around about it. To paraphrase a famous comedian-kids, don't do drugs. But if you do, wash them down with Tide Pods. 

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