Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New York Times vs the LDS community

There is a petition going around calling for the New York Times to change the obituary for Thomas Monson.  It's apparently gotten a lot signatures, but I don't think it'll do much. For the record I do read the Times but only on Sunday-I missed the obituary. It appears that the obituary talks about gay marriage, female ordination and nothing about the life of Thomas Monson and the good works that he did. Nothing about the compassion he brought to the church or how he lead the church through the early millennium.

I don't expect the New York Times to get on their knees and worship the prophet, and unfortunately this petition will do absolutely nothing. Was it in bad taste? Of course it was. But this is how the writers of the New York Times think. They view religious people with general disinterest and many times, outright disdain.They are baffled as to how anyone could be religious, much less a religion that has views on sexuality and gender that no one (and I'm being literal here. No one) at the New York Times agrees with.

So was it tacky and rude? Of course it was. I can promise you with iron clad certainty though that if President Monson declared that gay marriage was acceptable (something I agree with) or approved female ordination (something I agree with too) his obituary would have been written completely differently.

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