Saturday, January 13, 2018

Oprah for president

I saw this on a meme (it's not my own words, but it sums it up perfectly): Oprah in 2020 because it'll be interesting to see republicans slam a populist with no political experience and democrats embrace a billionaire and certainly a member of the 1%. Of course if you run for president, you have to be a member of the elite but everything else about the meme is accurate. If Oprah decides to run she'll probably win in a landslide-but then again, I thought Trump would lose in a rout so lately my political predictions haven't been deadly accurate.

People are tied of politicians, and I can't blame them. Soon enough actors and celebrities will take over the political process. This will happen on both sides. Perhaps the election of 2016 was a harbinger of what is to come in the future.

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