Tuesday, November 28, 2017

SNES/NES classics

I've talked about them before-the SNES classic blog is here, but I've been thinking about them more and more as I start my Christmas shopping. Like we all know retro video games have never really gone away, and you can get most old school games on your Xbox, Playstation or iPhone. Also, full systems have been for sale for years. Atari has had this one for sale since the early 2000's, I think. Sega also has one for the Genesis.

I'm a huge gamer and I have most consoles, the ones from way back to the more modern ones. I prefer the RPG genre and most of the retro consoles don't have RPGs (yes, I know there are exceptions, SNES being one of them). I also already own most of the games but it would be nice to have the games on one console that works with a modern TV.

The thing I don't understand at all is why Nintendo didn't make more of the NES/SNES Classics. This thing is wildly popular, especially with adults my age. It brings them back to childhood and the casual gamer who is not a collector really wants to get this. You can't get it online without taking the risk that it's a generic fraud (a staggering disappointment if you are in the market for authenticity) and most stores sell out of them in minutes. It's like the Furby or Tickle Me Elmo of 2016/2017. Nintendo could have made millions and millions of dollars by producing more of them but for some reason they didn't bother to do so. I'm in total shock as to why.

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