Monday, August 5, 2019

Vinnie Vincent birthday bash

I love train wrecks, and Vinnie Vincent is my favorite train wreck. His latest scheme, er, event, is where some lucky fans get to celebrate his birthday. Oddly, Vinnie has stomped his feet and said that because of the negativity online he might go back into reclusion. Vinnie, no one cares if you go back into seclusion. Imagine a car dealer telling you that you can't buy a car you had no desire to buy in the first place. That's Vinnie Vincent.

For 300$ you can hang out with Vinnie. Apparently someone tried to buy a ticket to it recently and got no response. No surprise there. At this point, I feel no sympathy for Vinnie, and no sympathy for those idiots buying the tickets. We are all human and we all mistakes. But buying a ticket to this "event" and thinking it'll happen makes you a fool.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! He was always weird, we get that. But all those rumors about him being a, troubled person, are 100% true.
