Quite simply, you are the problem if you have massive student loan debt and a degree in drama or basketweaving. No one forced you to go to college or to major in truly foolish things, so a large percentage of the blame falls on you.
However, not all the blame.
I also blame "society" (I hate doing that because it strips you of personal accountability) and the colleges themselves. If colleges had integrity, which they don't, they'd inform you that a useless degree is well, useless. Sure, the college experience itself is amazing and you can learn many things outside of the classroom. College was, for me, the best time of my life up to that point. However, it may not be worth 75,000$ in debt to some people, especially if your degree is viewed as useless by society.
Speaking of society, like I said I blame them as well. Society fed high schoolers a lie that you needed to go to college in order to be successful. Colleges of course bought into that lie because it fattened their wallets. Make no mistake-colleges claim to care about the student and social justice, but in reality, all they care about is money. Society is swinging back to normalcy now, saying that college might not be for everyone now.
Don't get me wrong, education is a generally a good thing and religions that dismiss a college education are afraid of what the students might learn because it threatens their hold on them. All that is 100% true, but loading yourself up with heavy student loan debt is something that needs to taken very seriously.
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