Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dane Cook

Remember him? I haven't thought of him in decades, but since he was the popular comedian when my brother in law was growing up, we got to talking about him recently. My brother in law is about 8 years younger than me, and when he was growing up he had a Dane Cook comedy album. He's actually ashamed of himself for this now as an adult.

I can see why. I listened to this Youtube video. In fairness, people are laughing, and just because I don't think he's funny doesn't mean no one does. Like I said, people are laughing. Maybe it's just me but I noticed he doesn't have punchlines. He's just telling what he thinks are funny stories. Dennis Miller, a comedian I loved both when he was a liberal and now, told stories too, but he had punchlines at the end. I don't see that with Dane Cook.

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