Monday, November 30, 2015

Vinnie Vincent

Vinnie Vincent is one of the most talented guitarists of his generation. What that guy could do with a guitar is legendary. Very few people could come close to his talent, and he's actually slightly underrated  in the glam rock world.

He's also among the most self destructive and unethical people in rock history. That's saying something, because music is filled with self important jerks who vastly overestimate their own self worth.

Like professors, marital arts instructors and athletes, being in the music industry will vastly warp your ego. You are asked questions that you know the answer to, and you know you know the answer to them. So you begin to think that everyone should listen to you. They shouldn't. When you don't speak in your speciality, no, you don't know what you are saying. That's why a chemist can tell you all about chemistry, but nothing about physics. 

Anyway, back to Vinnie. He's apparently missing and unable to be found. While I don't wish this on anyone, it's hard to feel sorry for him. He had everything in the world and he thew it away. He's still bitter, angry and blames everyone but himself. 

In the immortal words of the great commercials, "Don't be like this Vinnie Vincent." 

Good warning tale.

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