Saturday, November 7, 2015

New church teachings on children of gay marriages

This really shouldn't surprise anyone. In other news, stealing and murder are also against church teachings.

This is an issue for me. I am going to set aside my own personal feelings for a bit. I do accept that the church knows more than I do.

Alma 30:25 is one of my favorite quotes, and it says " a child shall not be punished for the sins of it's parents". I love this quote, it's a personal favorite of mine.

But one Book of Mormon verse isn't the basis for the entire churches teaching on human sexuality. The LDS church says homosexual acts are sinful and does not recognize gay marriage. Therefore, those who are openly gay and live that lifestyle are, therefore apostate. 

If you are a serious Latter Day Saint, this really should not surprise you. If you leave the church over this, I'm sorry, but I can not relate. Your faith might not have been very strong in the first place. 

If you are openly gay and this surprised you, you should not be surprised either. It also shouldn't bother you. If you have made it publicly known you are openly defying church teachings, then being told you are doing so shouldn't be shocking to you. If I were vehemently and publicly anti-gay, I shouldn't be allowed in a gay rights organization either.  

I support my church on this. 

I am pro gay marriage, I am pro transgender rights. In fact, I was pro-gay marriage years ago, before it became trendy. I also support Caitlyn Jenner and think she is quite brave for many reasons, more on that later. 

But those are my personal, subjective feelings. 

Boring LDS theology part-as a believing LDS, I believe in the LDS priesthood. All priesthood holders have "keys". Both spiritually and literally. The higher elders of my church hold keys to doors I can't open and hope to God I never have to. They can open those doors and accept revelation for the church.  This is their teaching, and since I think they speak for God-(more on that later too, I know I'm promising a lot. You can trust me, I won't break your heart) they must speak for him on issues I don't personally agree with as well. 

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