Thursday, November 19, 2015

France and celebrating (yes, celebrating) when evil is destroyed

This will be among the most controversial blog posts I'll ever do, I think. No apologies. 

Pop open the Champagne everyone. The human garbage in France who created such horrific evil is dead. 

Do I celebrate his death? Damn right I do. No, not all deaths are tragic. When a murderer dies, you celebrate. When a child rapist dies, you celebrate. When Osama died, I loved every minute of it. 

Those who create such massive, intense pain and suffering are evil. Yes, there is evil in the world. Yes, people who create such evil deserve to die. 

The world is no nursery. It's not a big, cuddly place where everyone hugs each other at the end. There are people out there who would rather kill us then look at us. You need to accept this. I don't care if you  don't listen to another word I say, but listen to this: You can be obsessed with compassion and tolerance , and they'll cut your head off. You can hug them and place a flower in the barrel of their gun, and they will shoot you. Wake up. 

Do I wish it never happened? Of course I do! But it did. 

So celebrate. This monster is dead. Go out and live your life. If you live in mortal terror, you are letting the bad guys win. 

La Vie Boheme! 

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