Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Okay, the word "tolerance" first implies "disapproval". For example, I don't like potatoes. I don't like them boiled, fried, mashed, whipped or even french fries. In fact, if I had my way I would never eat them again. I am the worlds pickiest eater to begin with. I don't even like to eat food that has been prepared unless I really know the chef. Yes, it's quirky. Probably certifiably insane.

However, if served potatoes, I will eat them. I "tolerate" them because I don't want to insult the server or the cook. But in case you have me as a future dinner guest-please note-I don't like potatoes.

So, when the left says they are "tolerant" it only goes to people they agree with. If you disagree with them, hardcore leftists turn into machines of screaming rage.

I found out about this in college. A conservative speaker was going to be asked to speak, and one girl on the council flipped. She hated her, and because she hated her, she demanded that the speaker not be invited. Personally, I can't stand Ann Coulter and think she is a disgusting person. But you shouldn't be forced to live by my rules. The girl on the student council was too selfish to understand this.  Ironically, she was intolerant too.

I am a huge, huge believer in true tolerance. That means "live and let live". I don't care who you are, what you do or anything else as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. The left will never understand what tolerance means. Their preaching of tolerance reminds me of fundamentalist preachers talking about how moral they are while screwing their secretaries in cheap hotels.

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