Wednesday, February 28, 2018

More thoughts on vigilante justice

That piece of human garbage, "Dr" Larry Nassar is being sent away to life and frankly, that's too good for him. He needs to get the death penalty. At the sentence hearing the father of one of the victims jumped the bench and tried to attack Nassar. Like everyone else I cheer the father and I'd pay his legal fees but the judge correctly decided not to hold the man in contempt of court and let him off totally free. Thank God.

Of course, I saw people posting about how they'd do the same thing. I applaud them to one degree-it's nice to see people paying attention to the news and defending innocent children, but I'd like warn them too. Taking vigilante action against people, even disgusting people, has it's drawbacks. Lets say you bring a gun to the courthouse, sneak it past security and decide to open fire in the courtroom. You are real proud of yourself because you killed a monster, but a stray bullet hit the court reporter and she's now dead. You might say that it's no big deal, after all your intentions were noble but instead you killed an innocent person and I'm not sure that the courts will look at it the same way you will. You will be brought up on manslaughter charges and probably sent to jail for 20 years.

The other thing that bothers me greatly is just saying what I just said-that playing Punisher isn't a good idea-will be taken the wrong way by stupid people, who will think that I'm somehow condemning the father or defending a monster like Nassar. It saddens me to think that people can't figure out that me saying "vigilante justice has it's drawbacks and isn't a good idea" is the same as "supporting a son of perdition who deserves the death penalty." Welcome to the internet, I guess.

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