Monday, July 18, 2016

Those damn kids and their cell phones!

No, I don't really think that way. In fact, I think people who complain about kids using their cell phones "all the time" are technophobic and obnoxious. They aren't aware that virtually all new technology has been considered to be from the devil, evil, destroying our youth and leading the end of the world. It happened with the car. Cars were considered evil and would lead teenagers to immorality, death and destruction. We now look at ideas like that and think they are archaic. In fifty years our grandchildren will look at you and say "Wow Grandpa! There was a time when people bitched about cell phones being evil?" Though your grandchild shouldn't use that word.

You don't have to like technology. You can be frightened and intimidated by it, but that doesn't mean it's evil. More and more people are getting content from their cell phones and the future is coming where we won't even have to look down on a screen to respond to texts. I'm not a prophet or a clairvoyant so I don't know how it's going to turn out and what specifically it's going to be.

This blog post came from a meme going around showing kids looking at their phones at a museum. They were surrounded by wonderful paintings that tell the story of humanity and they can't help but look at their cell phones. It's not that simple though-they were looking at app that the museum had that talked about the pantings actually. So yes, they were looking at their cell phones. And learning about the paintings at the same time.

I love technology and no, I'm not afraid of it at all. In fact, I'm comforted by it. It's nice to be stuck in a line and pull out my Kindle app-or plug my head phones in and listen to an audiobook or my music.  I feel so lucky to be alive in 2016, though I do feel troubled that people don't realize how lucky we truly are.

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