Thursday, July 7, 2016

Heterosexual pride day

Apparently it was "Heterosexual Pride Day" last week and it caused quite a bit of controversy.

I don't think you should be ashamed of being homosexual anymore than you should be ashamed that you have blue eyes. It's pretty silly to be ashamed of something you are born as. I understand the gay pride movement though-I'm also proud to be English (ethnically) which is something I was born as. I'm proud to be American too. I didn't have a choice to be either English (again, ethnically) or American just like gay people don't have a choice to be gay either. So I get the whole pride movement. Since gay people were swept under the rug for hundreds of years I also understand them being more vocal with their sexuality. In my view there is nothing wrong with that either.

But here's an interesting thing. In the 1950's Playboy magazine published a story that described heterosexual repression in a world where homosexuality is the norm. Hefner got a lot of flack for publishing it-even in the 1950s (!) and he stood by it's publication saying, "If prejudice against homosexuality is wrong, so is prejudice against heterosexuality." Despite his flaws, he was right about that for sure.

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