Saturday, July 23, 2016

State of political matters going on right now

Conventions, like debates, are mostly garbage. The person you liked before the debate won and the person you didn't like lost. With conventions-if you were voting for Trump/Clinton before you probably still are now. The convention didn't change your mind.

This is the first time in twenty years I haven't paid intense attention to the conventions. I follow the news obsessively, in fact it's one of the many reasons I don't like to be without my cell phone. Like Andrew Breitbart I need the constant stream of information. It's been like that since I was a kid. This convention though-well my opinion of Trump is well known and there is no way I'm voting for Hillary, so I'm basically screwed.

Do you feel the same way this election cycle? I think many of us do. The NeverTrump movement is childish and sour grapes personified. They are the kids that took their Magic cards and stormed off in a huff when they lost the game. Trump is the incarnate version of every delusional person you have on Facebook who posts overly simplistic memes that have absolutely no chance of working in the real world. He is like the people that post things like "Sad and depressed? Think of a butterfly!" and expect you to "turn that frown upside down." Life is a bit more complicated that that. Hillary might be the most corrupt person to run since Richard Nixon.  Gary Johnson? Give me a break. He has no chance.

So thinking people are left with little options. Not voting is disgusting and no, there is never a moral reason to abstain from voting. Take five minutes to educate yourself about the facts. The sad part is that this time when you do educate yourself you'll be just as depressed as the rest of us.

This election makes me think of the last words WC Fields said to his long term mistress. "God damn the whole friggin world and everything in it but you Carlotta."

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