Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hillary and Nixon

It's fairly obvious to those of us who are not true believers that Hillary Clinton will be the most corrupt president since Richard Nixon. In fact, because Nixon had a little "R" near his name he is viewed by history as a scoundrel, a liar, and a corrupt bastard. Because Hillary agrees with the left on the majority of issues and the left controls academia and a large portion of the media-her scandals will be treated vastly different.

Look, I understand it depends on what side of the fence you are on. Republicans will rally around republicans and democrats will rally around democrats. While I'm more sympathetic to the republican side, that doesn't mean I'm not critical of republicans. I've noticed that the GOP is more self critical of it's candidates than the left is because the GOP doesn't attach morality to politics. Ask yourself this-would a true believing democrat rather you be a bad parent and a liberal on the issues or a good parent but a conservative? A conservative is more likely to wish that you are liberal but a good parent rather than a liberal wishing that you are a good parent-but a conservative.

Which brings me back to Hillary and this election. The FBI recommended that the justice department not bring charges against her. If you think the justice department is going to bring charges against her or recommend that they be brought against her-then I admire your naivety. In the 70's with the Watergate drama many people in Nixons own party resigned or publicly announced they would no longer support him rather than being associated with him. Will Liz Warren or Harry Reid announce that they won't support her if she becomes indicted or more illegal activity comes out around her? Of course not.

I get it, we all want to support "our guys/girls". But you don't want to be a true believer-Eric Hoffer wrote a wonderful book about those people called (surprise!) The True Believer. It's a book I love and have read many, many times.

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