Thursday, September 27, 2018

General conference changes

Last April, there were a ton of changes to the structure of the LDS church that were announced during General Conference. Home teaching was sacked and mistering was announced. Priesthood quorums were combined. Those two were unexpected, and there are a lot of rumors going around the internet that there will be other changes coming up in October. While I do not claim to have to have a secret line to the Apostles, I wouldn't be surprised if this general conference announces even more changes.

President Russell Nelson is the youngest 90 year old in the world. He has the energy and stamina of a man forty years younger. He seems to be leading the charge to change things in the church, and I'm not sure he's done yet. There might be a change to the length of Sunday services. As of right now, LDS spend a staggering three hours in church on Sunday. Perhaps they'll remove an hour or so this October.

Whatever happens, I'm not sure it'll help attendance. The issue with changing doctrines and rules in churches is that it only applies to the people who follow the rules anyway. I'm not sure cutting back one hour in church will attract people who don't go in the first place.

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