Monday, September 3, 2018

DeSantis vs Gillum

Florida had it's primary a few days ago, and the two winners of the gubernatorial primary races are Ron DeSantis, the republican and hardcore Trump supporter-and Andrew Gillum, the democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter. Both candidates knocked off more "moderate" challengers in the primary-Adam Putnam and Gwen Graham.

To call either Putnam or Graham "moderate" shows how extreme how politics has become. Graham might be a bit more moderate than the average democrat, but she hardly leans to the right. Putnam isn't moderate in the slightest-he's conservative in every way, but because he's held elected office before and isn't a Trumper, he's considered "establishment". So is Graham because of her family. In the interest of full disclosure, I voted for Putnam.

The GOP has held the governorship of Florida since Jeb Bush (!). That's over two decades ago. While I think Gillum is too liberal for the state in general, because the republicans nominated someone from the far right, I think my state will swing blue in November.

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