Monday, June 11, 2018


I live in Florida and I love it. To me, it's the greatest place to live in the country and everyone who makes fun of us is just jealous. Sure, in a state of 20 million people you are going to find your share of scumbags and criminal and yes, your state has them too. Aside from scumbags and criminals we also have our fair share of alligators. In the news recently a woman walking her dog was attacked and eaten by an alligator. Very tragic.

Of course, the amount of ignorance about this is huge. People online are asking how anyone could live in Florida or for those of us who do, how come we don't live in fear of constant alligator attacks. I am not trying to downplay her death, which was incredibly tragic, but common sense would tell us that if alligator attacks were as constant as the media makes them out to be, then 20 million people probably wouldn't live in the state. The other award truth is that there are only about 2-3 alligator deaths a year in Florida. That's 2-3 out of about 20 million. Those are really good odds.

Alligators are dangerous. A good rule of thumb in Florida is that you should assume every body of water has an alligator in it and use common sense. Some parents down here only allow their children to swim in pools-and that's what I would do too. Alligator deaths, while deeply tragic, and also incredibly rare.

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