Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Westboro Baptist "Church"

The Westboro Baptist "Church" is hated by so many people that it's hardly brave to say you are against them. Are they repulsive? Yes. Disgusting? Yes. Abhorrent to good taste, morals and decent behavior? Yes. Are they also marginalized by virtually everyone in society today? Yes. 

The WBC is disliked by 99.9% of mainstream churches. Catholics, Methodists, LDS, Evangelicals, Lutherans and yes-even Baptists-have spoken out vehemently against this vile groups actions. There is no church out there (perhaps a few fringes) that supports their practice, theology or delivery. 

What I find most troubling about them is that stupid people think the WBC is part of mainstream Christianity. They'll use the WBC as an indicator that all Christians think like they do. It's nonsense of course, but the people who hate Christians will look anywhere to find something that feeds their stereotype. The WBC is also incredibly dense and they don't know (or care, probably) how they are viewed, so they just feed in to the stereotype that all Christians are like them. I don't expect rational thought from Christian haters or the WBC, so I shouldn't be surprised overall 

A final though. I classify the WBC counter protestors as "protesting for beginners". Since it doesn't require great bravery or courage to counter protest the monsters at the WBC, you aren't doing anything that puts you at great risk. Everyone agrees with you. Sure it's fun to protest them, and I'll be right with you. But I don't delude myself into thinking I'm Tank Man at Tiananmen Square when I'm doing such. 

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