Thursday, June 9, 2016


Upfront-I have an Uber but I've never used it. I live pretty rural and I'm not sure they even work out here. It's a good thing to have though in case I go to a city. 

Uber is under attack by certain cities and it's easy to know why. Uber is new and the government fears new things. They did the same with e-cigarettes and they'll do the same with any other technology that comes around that they can't control. 

Governments operate on tax money. They need taxes to do anything. Since governments don't usually create things (and when they do, it's usually a disaster) they only exist by taxes and fees. I'm not an anarchist-in fact, I think anarchy is a foolish, naive and dangerous-but I do think we are overtaxed, over regulated, and over licensed. Welcome to the nanny state. 

Uber is none of the governments business. If free people want to engage in a service voluntarily-what business of the governments is it? In New York City I suspect the taxi cab monopoly is to blame for threats on Ubers existence. After all, if you really want to see who your enemies are-follow the money and see who you are not allowed to critique.  

People who say Uber is dangerous don't see the big picture. You hear about the small minority of Uber drivers who are breaking the law but you don't hear about the thousands who don't. When planes don't crash it's good, but it's not news. 

Become a revolutionary. Use Uber whenever you can.       

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