Monday, June 27, 2016

Terror watch lists and assault weapons

During the Bush years many people on the left justifiably were afraid that a terrorist watch list would be abused by politicians, especially that horrible, nasty, demonic George W Bush and his evil puppet master Dick Cheney. The left thought a terror watch list was Orwellian and disturbing. The ACLU correctly was very concerned.

Now the left sees they can advance their anti gun agenda by using the terrorist watch list, so the end justifies the means with them, like it does with people of all political stripes. It's creepy and incredibly troubling.

No, I don't want terrorists buying guns either. First off, there is no such thing as an "assault weapon". Assault is a verb and again, a gun by itself can't do anything. Since anti-gunners are frightened by any gun that looks scary, they made up a term that has gained traction in popular culture. I don't think anyone needs an AR-15 to go hunting or for home/personal defense. But I don't make the rules and support your right to own one fully.

I share the concern that the terrorist watch list will be used to suppress otherwise innocent people from doing things they have every right to, wether it's buying a gun or flying on a plane. It's fairly obvious that the government is inefficient and corrupt and if you think it can't be used against you when the other side comes to power, you are wrong.

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