Friday, June 17, 2016

Album of the weekend

Buckcherry-self titled 

Remember how I said that the band Firehouse was a decade too late? Not that they are bad-they aren't. They are actually quite good-but they came on the scene when hair bands were dying out and grunge was taking over. 

Buckcherry is sort of a hair band, and they are about fifteen years too late. Like Motley Crue, Guns and Roses and LA Guns, Buckcherry is from the decadent city of Los Angeles. LA seems to have it's own world when it comes to music. While it does have a great punk scene (Bad Religion, NOFX, Suicidal Tendencies) it's more known for it's glam rock, in my view. A charismatic front man, over the top yet sometimes gritty songs and a lot of hair spray are just some of what makes a hair band. 

Buckcherry has it all. They are among the first postmodern hair bands to have a following. The band they remind me most of is Guns and Roses. Open drug references, power ballads, and songs about innocence lost. I've seen them live about four times and they are fantastic. Energetic and outgoing, these guys play hard and fast. 

While they are well known for "Crazy Bitch", "Sorry" and "Lit Up" their first album is full of great songs, with "Lit Up" being one of them. "Check Your Head", "Borderline" and "Baby" are also right up there. Their debut album is also their best. 

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