Thursday, October 1, 2015

Drug companies

Curse those infernal drug companies! How dare they keep researching medicine and ways to keep us alive! 

I'm honestly not sure why people hate drug companies. These people make the medicines that keep us alive, healthy, and for some of us with depression and mental illness, they keep us happy. 

I get that it's hip and cool to bash big businesses, but I don't buy into that at all. 

A company has the right to invest and charge whatever they want for the services they provide.  If you don't like, I'm sorry, but instead of complaining the best thing for you to do is copy them. Go into business for yourself. Acquire the skills needed to create such a company and then do whatever you want. If you want to charge for pills, great. If you want to give them away, great. It's your life. 

I love the concept of free agency and choice. It all comes down to that. 

The drug companies and the people who work there have every right to charge for their services just like the guy who pumps your gasoline does. 

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