Sunday, October 25, 2015

Adacia Chambers

By all accounts, it looks like Adacia Chambers is the girl whose car hit and killed four people, while injuring many. many more. 

Before my conversion, I was strictly an "Old Testament" kind of guy. I still am. I believe in the death penalty in certain cases and yes, I think criminals are coddled and loved too much while their victims are usually ignored. I want this girl to pay her debt to society. Which is huge. I also submit to you that the victims families have every right to want her to pay with her life. 

I am an extremely bold person, and even I wouldn't lecture the families on "forgiveness". It takes a level of audacity that even I don't have. 

Now that that's out of the way, here I go. 

As someone who has struggled with drugs and alcohol in the past, there but for the grace of God go I. When I look back at the things I did (and in honesty, still struggle with) I am both ashamed of myself and incredibly grateful. This could have been me. I am no better with her. 

Maybe it's Christian forgiveness or maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age, but I feel tremendous compassion for her. I hate that word "Compassion" because people who say they are are usually the farthest from it. 

At age 25, and with her future looking truly abysmal (yes, by her own doing) she has a long life ahead of her. Of course I admit this is a better situation then the people she killed. 

But at age 25, she has the death of four people including children on her hands.  For every day of her life, she has to deal with that. She will be a pariah-her family hated and (yes, justifiably so) the anger of an entire state all focused on her. I wouldn't wish what happened to her victims on anyone, but I have to be honest. I wouldn't wish a 25 year old to have that much guilt on her hands for so long either. It's not like she woke up wanting to kill people. That counts. 

If anyone who knows me before my conversion reads this, they have the right to cry "Hypocrisy." In fact, I can give you a long list of hypocritical thoughts and behaviors I have. I all short, like of all us. I'd rather speak my mind and let the chips fall as they may then be quiet though.

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