Saturday, October 31, 2015


Happy Halloween everyone! 

(old school horror doesn't mess around, does it? This looks terrifying! It's from the 1922 movie, Nosferatu. German version of Dracula. Pleasant dreams.) 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Album of the weekend

AC/DC-Back in Black

I'm moving, so I'm doing a lot of packing, shipping and unpacking. I just found this gem. To all of us who can "play guitar" (and good heavens, I'm terrible at it. So bad I don't think I can really say I "play guitar") learned with these guys and the Ramones. The three chord masters. 

Generally, the term "Be a Man" is both offensive and stupid to me. A real man wouldn't let someone else's view of masculinity effect his self worth and view of his own masculinity. But what the hell. This is an album every little boy should have. It's tough growing up. With the raw, loud and openly egotistical attitude that AC/DC has, it allowed me to escape into a fantasy. Like Kiss, when I listened to this, I was someone else. Not the shy, insecure dork that I really was. I was Angus Young with his "Go to Hell, no rules but mine" attitude. 

Have my music tastes evolved? You bet. But this album helped me out in more ways than it probably should have. I didn't really understand why until I just found it. As I've mentioned before, I hate looking back in childhood-high school. That time was the worst of my life, by far. 

Oh yeah-Happy Halloween everyone. My ward is having a trunk or treat and I can't wait to go help set it up later. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dejected conversions and converts

CS Lewis called himself "the most dejected convert in England" at the time of his conversion. 

I empathize with him completely. 

Upfront-No, I'm not comparing myself to CS Lewis. But I am. 

Both him and I had a strong sense that our bodies/soul belongs to me. CS Lewis didn't want to submit any control to another being, especially a God which at that point he didn't even thought existed. 

With me-I didn't want to become LDS because I knew I would have to give up an immoral lifestyle. I'm not going to bore you with my own sins, but I'm not going to lie either. It's enjoyable to lead a sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle, at least at first.

Eventually though, being the sober one in the room made me realize how stupid and shallow that lifestyle was. Before you know it, you'll end up with a serious drug addiction and your sexual behavior will cause unimaginable pain to the people you love. 

The worst part about that lifestyle is that in the end, you are only hurting yourself. Not to mention you'll have guilt that never goes away.  

One of the best things about Mormonism and Christianity is general is you can make a disaster of yourself and your life then give the pieces to Christ to fix. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

RIP Scott Marshall

Gone way, way too soon. Scott Marshall (yes, I heard about him before Ink Master) was truly an "Ink Master". Tattooing is an art form, but it's also a craft. You need the skill set of an artist-and also a surgeon. You rarely see people who are both masterful at drawing and masterful at the craft of tattooing. Scott Marshall was both. 

RIP. You will be missed. 


I am adopted, as is my sister. I can say without question that adoption is the greatest blessing in the entire world. 

Unlike many adopted kids (and grown ups) I've never felt "unlucky" because I was adopted, quite the opposite.  I was adopted by the two greatest people I've ever met, my mother and father. I call them "Mom and Dad". 

Which brings me to this blog. The one, sure fire way to really irritate adopted kids/parents/whatever is to ask if we want to meet our "Real Parents" I know this is done in ignorance and not meant to hurt. Truth be told-it doesn't hurt me, it irritates me. 

Like all step parents and people who raise their non-bioloogical children, I feel like your "real parents" are those who raised you, took care of you and suffered for you. 

I have met my biological mother and we do have a relationship. My biological father is deceased. 

Adoption truly is the greatest thing in the world. Not to get political here again, but I wish more women chose adoption over abortion. I've spoken to other adopted kids, and as bad as their lives were, none of us would prefer death as the alternative. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Sarah Silverman

If Sarah Silverman liked me, I would immediately re-evaluate my life and make drastic life changes. If she hated me, I would take a deep breath and say thank God. 

Does she have the right to be vile and disgusting? Yes. Do I have the right to say she is vile and disgusting? You betcha. 

Like I've mentioned before, I like many things that aren't LDS approved. No apologies, it's who I am. 

Sarah Silverman is liked by the cool, hip set who likes to think they are "cutting edge" and "pushing the envelope". In reality, she's bathes in filth and appeals to the lowest common denominator. "Hey, Sarah Silverman made a bodily function joke again! haw haw haw. She's so witty." Indeed she is. Most of my friends have advanced past the stage where this is funny. 

I don't expect anyone in Hollywood to have the backbone to call her out on it-after all, it's Chinatown, Jake.  

I am glad though that people are beginning to see her for what she is. Talentless.  

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Adacia Chambers

By all accounts, it looks like Adacia Chambers is the girl whose car hit and killed four people, while injuring many. many more. 

Before my conversion, I was strictly an "Old Testament" kind of guy. I still am. I believe in the death penalty in certain cases and yes, I think criminals are coddled and loved too much while their victims are usually ignored. I want this girl to pay her debt to society. Which is huge. I also submit to you that the victims families have every right to want her to pay with her life. 

I am an extremely bold person, and even I wouldn't lecture the families on "forgiveness". It takes a level of audacity that even I don't have. 

Now that that's out of the way, here I go. 

As someone who has struggled with drugs and alcohol in the past, there but for the grace of God go I. When I look back at the things I did (and in honesty, still struggle with) I am both ashamed of myself and incredibly grateful. This could have been me. I am no better with her. 

Maybe it's Christian forgiveness or maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age, but I feel tremendous compassion for her. I hate that word "Compassion" because people who say they are are usually the farthest from it. 

At age 25, and with her future looking truly abysmal (yes, by her own doing) she has a long life ahead of her. Of course I admit this is a better situation then the people she killed. 

But at age 25, she has the death of four people including children on her hands.  For every day of her life, she has to deal with that. She will be a pariah-her family hated and (yes, justifiably so) the anger of an entire state all focused on her. I wouldn't wish what happened to her victims on anyone, but I have to be honest. I wouldn't wish a 25 year old to have that much guilt on her hands for so long either. It's not like she woke up wanting to kill people. That counts. 

If anyone who knows me before my conversion reads this, they have the right to cry "Hypocrisy." In fact, I can give you a long list of hypocritical thoughts and behaviors I have. I all short, like of all us. I'd rather speak my mind and let the chips fall as they may then be quiet though.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Album of the weekend

The Beatles-The White Album 

As much as I love punk, metal and ska, The Beatles will always be one of my favorite bands. Choosing their best album is like asking a mother of three children which one she loves the most. It's an impossibility. 

So here we go with the White Album. Revolution and The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill are my two favorites on the album, but you can't go wrong with this one, not can you go wrong with any Beatles album. What they did for music will never fully be appreciated. 

Not liking The Beatles is a character flaw. If someone you know doesn't like them, cut ties with them immediately. You don't need that kind of influence in your life.  

God bless you and have a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


There is an old saying that "It's easy to forgive others, but not yourself". I agree in part, disagree in part. It's not easy to forgive others. Think of a Jewish person in the holocaust. They have the right to never forgive those who hurt them, in my opinion. 

I know this contradicts basic Christian teaching of forgiveness, but as Christians we need to understand one important thing: It's very, very hard to be a Christian. If it's something you've swam in your entire life, it's hard to understand an "outsiders view".  You could correctly say "It isn't hard, it's something I've done all my life". Not so. It's easy to you because you've done it your entire life. For other "New Christians" it's actually incredibly hard. 

That brings me to being LDS. 

Without question, the best thing about LDS is the forgiveness. Sure, I went to confession as a Catholic but I never felt truly forgiven until I was baptized LDS. When I came out of the water (and I had to be "baptized" three times, I'll explain that later) I felt, in the words of the band POD, alive for the very first time. 

I hope and pray that those I've hurt will accept my apologies, even though I wouldn't if I were them.  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Born in the USA?

Simply put, I cringe when I see people thinking that Bruce Springsteen is "patriotic" and a "regular guy". 

Take the time to read the lyrics to "Born in the USA". Apparently, Bruce thinks it's okay to bash and insult a country that's made him filthy rich. 

I have learned to become cynical in 2015 America. I get it that people emote rather than think, but it does really amuse me that people still think Bruce represents the "regular, patriotic guy"  

Monday, October 19, 2015


My wife and I were sealed in the temple a year ago yesterday for time and eternity. I never thought it could get better, but being LDS is like going on a roller coaster ride that only gets faster, higher, and more incredibly fun. 

God bless! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Album of the weekend


Their last good album, Smash is to Offspring what Dookie is to Green Day. After Smash Offspring tried their comedy act and lost all credibility with their hardcore fans with their ridiculous change of styles. So this album is bittersweet.

Bittersweet because it’s an amazing album. From the opener “Bad Habit to the eight track “Self Esteem” is some o the best punk I’ve ever heard. At the time it was fresh and original. When I’m riding my bike or hiking and I need extra engery, “Come out and Play” is usually on my playlist. So is “Gotta Get Away”.

Oh what could have been…

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Ink Master!

My favorite won Ink Master! It's about time an American Traditional tattooist won! Woo-hoo!  

LDS Drinking game

I'm starting an LDS drinking game. 

Take a shot whenever someone accuses us of "not being Christian". Even though our name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" 

Take two shots whenever a non member claims to know more about the church than we do. Sure, they've never probably read the Book of Mormon or even know any of us, but anyway. 

Take three shots whenever someone thinks they can debunk your faith within five minutes of knowing you.  This is a big one, so be careful. You'll meet many people like this. 

Take four shots when someone who has never heard of Joseph Smith Jr claims to know his desires, thoughts, wishes and true motivations. 

Sorry for the tartness of this post, but blame the anti-lds critics. They made me do it. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Book of Mormon witnesses-Martin Harris

Their names were Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer. 

All three men are witnesses to the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon. Even though they left the church (Cowdery and Harris both came back, I don't think Whitmer did) they never stopped testifying to seeing actual plates in physical reality-not just a subjective vision. 

Martin Harris was a farmer and a rather prosperous land owner in New York.  Joseph eventually gave Martin Harris 116 pages of already translated Book of Mormon and Harris (or more expectedly, his skeptical, staunchly non believing wife) destroyed whatever it was. 

Harris eventually sold part of his land to finance copies of the Book of Mormon. He followed Smith Jr as a strong, believing member until splitting with him during the Kirtland Safety Society. 

There is some history out there that in this time period, Harris apparently admitted his vision of the book of Mormon was only a "spiritual vision". 

However Harris was re-baptzied into the church before he died. He also witnessed to Joseph Smith Jr being a true prophet. 

I don't believe Harris would have been re-baptized into a church that he knew was wrong. Being LDS also cost him a great deal. 

Obviously for a believing LDS, I accept that he saw, in physical reality-gold plates. It's an uphill battle for believing LDS because it seems so unlikely. It is, in fairness. We need to show that there is some evidence in history that backs our side up. 

Sorry for the historic bent of this. Been looking up a lot of church history lately.We'll talk about the others later.  Some said that "the more you learned about the origins of the church the more you lose your faith." While that might be true for some, for me it's been the exact opposite.   

Have a great week! Happy Columbus Day!   

Friday, October 9, 2015

Album of the weekend

Joan Jett-Up Your Alley

“I Hate Myself for Loving You”-Raise your hand if you ever played this song after getting into a fight with your significant other. Okay, maybe it’s me but I would deal with anger and sadness by making mix tapes with a break up theme. That was always the first song I would out on them.

I love Joan Jett. She doesn’t really have an album that is not good in some way.

Two songs on this album are covers, “Tulane” by Chuck Berry and “I Wanna Be Your Dog” by The Stooges. I’m usually not a big cover fan but these two are fantastic. Joan Jett is amazing at keeping cover songs like their original but making them her own as well. 

The first lady of punk...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


My heart breaks for victims of mass shootings. 

But you know what? Restricting my right to a gun punishes me for doing nothing wrong. It's like if I took away your right to drive because someone else got a DUI. 

You can't blame society, Godlessness (but that's part of it) or anti-depressants. 

In fact, the anti-deprassant thing bothers me. Millions of us are on anti-depressants, and we don't shoot people. Try again. 

You can only blame one thing. The shooter.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Thomas Monson and this General Conference

To be upfront about this I believe Thomas Monson is not only the prophet for us LDS, but for the world. This shouldn't surprise anyone, obviously as a Mormon I believe in the veracity of the Book of Mormon too. 

So I get no pleasure in what I am about to say. 

It broke my heart watching him speak. Like everyone else has said, I wanted to rush up and help him. My love for him was never stronger. I hope he feels better shortly. 

But he is mortal. And time truly does wait for no man, to paraphrase Chaucer. 

Perhaps it's best if we all trust that the prophet still works for God, and He knows His prophets best. He knows what they can and can't handle. 

Still, though-to watch it was tough to watch. 

We also got three new apostles-three! That's amazing. They have huge shoes to fill, but their first speeches where great. I like how they stick to just their testimony for the first time after being announced. 

 The buzz I get from GC is like the buzz I got when I used to drink.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Super Bowl for Mormons begins!

And I say that with the greatest love and affection. I can't wait -every GC has provided me with amazing warmth and insight. I hope you grow with the spirit like I do.

Have a wonderful and blessed General Conference! 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Album of the weekend

Bon Jovi-New Jersey
(After the video posted yesterday, how could I refuse?) 

Yes, I know "Living on a Prayer" is on their album "Slippery When Wet" and I do like that one, this is better. This is an album that, like Kiss or Poison defines the genre of lovable melodramatic hair bands. "Born to be my Baby" has a pleading sound to it. Underrated classic.  That's the best one on an album filled with good ones. "99 in the Shade" and "Lay Your Hands on Me" are also great. 

I've thought Bon Jovi was overrated until very recently. I've listened to their stuff several times and I think I was wrong. 

Fellow LDS-Have a wonderful and inspired General Conference. This is where they will announce three new apostles. We lost Boyd Packer, Richard Scott and Tom Perry all in under a six months. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thomas Monson is the coolest, and this proves it.

Thomas Monson is living on a prayer.

It's time to drop everything and watch this. 

Drug companies

Curse those infernal drug companies! How dare they keep researching medicine and ways to keep us alive! 

I'm honestly not sure why people hate drug companies. These people make the medicines that keep us alive, healthy, and for some of us with depression and mental illness, they keep us happy. 

I get that it's hip and cool to bash big businesses, but I don't buy into that at all. 

A company has the right to invest and charge whatever they want for the services they provide.  If you don't like, I'm sorry, but instead of complaining the best thing for you to do is copy them. Go into business for yourself. Acquire the skills needed to create such a company and then do whatever you want. If you want to charge for pills, great. If you want to give them away, great. It's your life. 

I love the concept of free agency and choice. It all comes down to that. 

The drug companies and the people who work there have every right to charge for their services just like the guy who pumps your gasoline does.