Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Ohio abortion law

Abortion is one of the very few issues I don't like talking about. It's just so polarizing and so intense an issue that virtually nothing good can come from it. Very. very few people have the ability to be critical of their own views, and with abortion that problem is multiplied by fifty. While I have heard of stories where people claim to have converted someone from one side to the other, I'm sort of skeptical that it can be done. No, that doesn't mean no one has changed their mind, but on an issue this controversial I don't think people listen to one another.

Abortion also takes reasonable people and shreds them to bits. The simple, blunt truth in politics is that you can't always get what you want and you will never get everything you want. It's political nature. You can jump up and scream all you want too, but it's true. The reason it's true is because people will never agree. So one side wins, and one side loses. It's harsh, it's blunt, it's true-but in the real world and especially in politics-there are no participation trophies rewarded for coming in second place. Ask Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton this.

Ohio recently passed some surprising abortion restrictions. Do I think they'll pass constitutional tests in the federal courts? Of course not. It was still a win for the pro-life cause. Not surprisingly, the hardcore pro-lifers were bitching and complaining because they didn't get exactly what they wanted, which will never happen. At one time I would try and argue and debate with the real hardcore pro-lifers but I've since given up. Instead, I just pat them on the head and say "You keep at it! Go get em' slugger!" They will always end up disappointed because their expectations are so stupidly warped and their ignorance of how the real world works is astounding.

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