Saturday, December 3, 2016


According to Buzzfeed, if you like a TV show where the stars might (key word, might) not support same-sex marriage you should be outraged.

I'm old school, as evidenced by the fact that I prefer blogs to video blogging and other emerging technology. It's part of the entire English major thing-we prefer writing to any other activity known to humanity including making money and making friends.

The article talks about a popular show on HGTV called "Fixer Upper". Upfront-it's not a show I've ever heard of and I don't think I've watched HGTV in my entire life. It appears to be a popular and well liked show starring a decent couple. This "decent couple" might not be decent to the writers at Buzzfeed because it turns out this couple has the audacity to attend church. It's left unsaid what the couple thinks of gay marriage-for all we (or Buzzfeed) know they might be radically in favor of it.

In the minds of Buzzfeed you can't be a decent person and be against gay marriage. Like I mentioned several times I am in favor of gay marriage, in fact I was in favor of it back in 2000 before it became cool and trendy and I will always be in favor of it. However unlike Buzzfeed and obnoxious social justice warriors I don't think it's the hallmark of what a "good person" is.

It's also disturbing to me that this couple is having their religion and personal beliefs thrown out there just because their show is popular. In the end who cares what they believe personally if you like the show?

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