I’m sure we have all met people who are so emotionally
fragile and insecure in their own views that they can’t handle even the thought
of a dissenting opinion. Haven’t we?
For me, this came to light in college. Supposedly a haven of
free speech and ideas, colleges are anything but.
A group of people were discussing the Iraq war, which was going on in full force at the time. Everyone, literally everyone agreed that it was a bad idea. Not a single person said it might be a good one.
I spoke up and said maybe it’s a good idea. Maybe the people
of Iraq need to be liberated. Is what I really think? Not really, but I love
asking tough questions. It’s the only way people learn.
Several of those people were stunned, thinking what I said
was “wrong”. They were unable to tell me why. The bigger issue? They ignored
me. Some never spoke to me again. I loved it because I viewed it as a good test
for friendship. Real friends should be able to disagree on issues and still
remain close.
Why do I bring this up? Good question. It’s because of the
marriage equality issue. I’m very blessed, I have wonderful friends who are
open minded and tolerate dissenting views.
They are in the minority. People have broken ties with
family members and lifelong friendships over this issue. That’s tragic.
It also proves something I’ve always thought. Those who
claim to the open minded are as annoying as those who are holier than thou.