The TV show "Intervention" is very tough to watch. It's a lot more than just "reality TV". If you have had any trouble with addiction in life-your own or a loved one-I can only imagine how painful it must be to watch the show. It's particularly troubling if you've been clean and sober for years and you suddenly see an episode. It makes you think about how lucky you are to have not taken your addiction to the extreme that some of people on the show have.
I was watching it a few days ago and tragically, the young woman involved in the episode apparently died. Like many addicts, this girl had everything going for her. A loving family, college degree, and a bright future. My heart absolutely broke for her and her family, but part of me also got sort of angry with her. Not many people have the options and opportunities she had, and they managed to get through life without suffering from a horrible addiction that absolutely destroys the life of everyone around them. Addiction is incredibly selfish and while it's the addicts fault, I don't really "blame" the addict-even though I do. I know that doesn't make any sense.
The TV show "Intervention" might save lives. I wish no one had to go though drug addiction in the first place but if more people watched the show, they might avoid drugs in the first place. Seeing the toll it takes on the addicts loved ones is just devastating.
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