Friday, May 31, 2019

Album of the Weekend

Dio-The Last in Line

The second studio album by Dio, The Last In Line does not measure up to Holy Diver, but that's okay. Holy Diver is one of the greatest albums in rock/metal history and they can't all be like that. That's not to say this is a bad album-far from it. In fact, it's a great album, and because it's still not as good as Holy Diver, that shows you how good Holy Diver really is. 

Unlike Holy Diver, some of the best songs on The Last In Line are not the biggest hits. Breathless and Mystery are both outstanding songs, easily the best on the album while the title track and We Rock are good, but not the best. If you are a fan of Dio,and if you like the style of music you should be, download this entire album. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

New Gillette ad

There is a new Gillette ad, this time a man showing his transgender son how to shave.  I found the other ad speaking out "toxic masculinity" to be ridiculous, and guess what?  With this one, I'm ambivalent. On one hand, I have no problem with transgenderism and think it's a cute ad, and showing a man teach his transgender son how to shave is fresh and innovative. On the other hand, Gillette is still trying to show how woke they are and appeal to people who don't like capitalism in the first place and are too dense to see they are being played like fiddles.

Ask yourself this: If Gillette did an add showing a man teaching his unborn son how to shave than being devastated when his baby mama gets an abortion, would you still support Gillette? Of course not. If Gillette ran an ad showing a man teaching his son how to shave-then go hunting, would you support it? No. So you probably have no problem with Gillette being liberal, but if they suddenly became conservative you'd correctly say they were pandering. Because so many people agree with Gillette right now, no one will say they are pandering. They are just "keeping it real".

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

College bribery scandal

I'm not saying what Lori Laughlin did was right. In fact, I do think she needs to pay some sort of debt to society for it. However I am so disturbed by the hate I'm seeing online towards her. No, she shouldn't do time in prison. At all. She doesn't deserve to have her face splashed over the tabloids like she's Charles Manson.

A lot of the hate she is getting isn't because of what she did. After all, that sort of thing happens all the time and if you think your favorite celebrities don't get special attention or treatment, than you are  either incredibly naive or sort of stupid. A big reason people don't like her is because of jealousy. She's rich, successful, was on TV (though I never saw her show) and people love to see celebrities like her fall.

When asked about steroids in baseball, Joe Torre said "I'm not saying it's right, but I can see why people do it." To be totally honest, if you were her and had to make the choices she made, you don't know what you would do. You are generally only as virtuous as your options.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How has serving impacted you?

If you want to have your heart broken, go over to Twitter and spend an hour or so reading Tweets like this. Apparently the US Army failed to understand that old saying, "Never ask a question you don't want the answer to."

War is Hell, and thank God I never served. I'm not naive and I understand that we need to have a strong fighting force and that sometimes war is a necessity. Do we need to do more for our troops? Absolutely, and we need to remember that war should always be used as a last resort and that often times, the survivors have it much worse than we could ever imagine.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

I've had a very busy weekend, and I owe it all to veterans who gave their life so I could have....a busy weekend. 

God bless them all. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Scripture Sunday Ether 2:8

This passage is a bit ominous. People are living in a  land of great promise, but if they fail to serve and obey God, they will be swept off in the "full wrath" of God. While this passage could be read literally, I think most LDS read it metaphorically.

When someone is greatly blessed by God, they should in return serve Him with some of their great blessings. If they get arrogant or forget where their blessings come from, it seems that our Heavenly Father might unleash His "full wrath" on them. I don't see it that way really. Sometimes people who don't serve God become incredibly blessed while others who serve God in much better ways that I do suffer greatly. Simply put, we don't know why-or how-His blessings are distributed.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Anti drinking and driving ads and posts

First off, no. You should not drink and drive. Ever. Not just on New Year's Eve but ever. If you can't afford an Uber/Lyft catch a ride home with friends. If you can't do that, don't go out in the first place. Secondly, we all make mistakes and no one is perfect. Sometimes we make grave mistakes that cost us and innocent people dearly. I've been drunk many times in my life but I've never driven drunk.

I'm not 100% sure that your friends posting anti-DUI memes and pictures help much. They mean well of course and there is nothing at all wrong with posting them-but I hesitate to think they'll actually stop someone from drinking and driving. I'm not sure that ads and billboards do it either. They might make a sober person stop and think and I hope they do-but the different between a sober person thinking and a drunk person thinking are huge.

Let me be clear-drinking and driving is wrong and if you choose to do so I hope the cops arrest you and that the DA prosecutes you to the fullest extent of the law. Jail time, fines, license suspension-you deserve it if you drink and drive.

But I'd like to see a legit study on advertisements and if they deter DUIs.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Album of the weekend

Bad Religion-Stranger than Fiction

It's been said that this album and Dookie by Green Day reenergized punk in the early 90's. To me, both albums are incredible and age amazingly well. They helped not only the punk genre, but music overall. Stranger than Fiction isn't as well known as Dookie. Virtually everyone had Dookie and I can't imagine that your teachers and the average cheerleader had Stranger than Fiction. 

Stranger than Fiction has a harder sound, more edgy and aggressive than other punk bands of the era. It's widely considered one of the greatest punk albums of all time, and I totally agree with that assessment. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Onion and The Babylon Bee

In an era of fake news, my favorite two websites right now are The Onion and The Babylon Bee, two news sources that make it their point to create fake news. If you have to be told it-both The Bee and The Onion are fake, they aren't real, they are satire and quite good at it. It shows a lot in our culture when people are so gullible that they can't determine what is fake and what is real when it comes to the news. I've seen so many people post stories from their sights that they believe hook, line and sinker.

And then there are people like me-who take wicked glee in watching people believe fake news. I guess it makes me feel better about myself, which is an obvious character flaw that I have.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Vinnie Vincent cancels yet another comeback special

I can't help it, I love train wrecks. And Vinnie Vincent epitomizes "train wreck." His latest fiasco is that he canceled yet another come back show and this time, no one is surprised. In fact, if you thought this one would go through then your naivety crosses the line into disturbing. While it's tempting to say this just another chapter in an unreliable person being unreliable, it's indicative of something much more sad.

Vinnie Vincent has squandered his talent and make no mistake, at one point, this guy was incredibly talent. During his seclusion he obviously didn't practice and his skills seriously deteriorated. How else can you explain him cancelling three comeback shows? If you get divorced once, it could be bad circumstances, bad luck, bad timing, etc. If you get divorced three times, you are almost certainly the problem. Vinnie is the problem, and for whatever reason, he has no interest in changing.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Should you be allowed to smoke with a kid in the car?

A driver was issued a violation for smoking a cigarette with his kid in the car.  Before anyone starts to talk about "second hand smoke" it might help to remember that "second hand smoke" is mostly garbage and there isn't a lot of scientific evidence to back it up. That doesn't mean smoking is a good idea-it isn't-but issuing a fine for smoking with a minor in the car is the epitome of a big, bloated, and controlling nanny state that wants nothing more than to run your life.

I don't smoke anymore and I wouldn't recommend it, but that doesn't mean that I think all smokers are bad people, or that smoking with a child in the car is a sign of bad parentings. In fact, for decades people smoked all the time, around kids, at church, while pumping gasoline-everywhere.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Eating contests

Okay, so it was a somewhat boring Sunday and I found myself searching the internet looking at, well, um, less than intellectual pursuits. I came across a website that focused on eating competitions. I'd say don't judge me, but I can see the wheels of judgement spinning and I'm judging myself too. Hell, it beats watching Hoarders all day.

I didn't think it was possible for a mortal human to eat a 72 oz steak and not die in the process, but apparently, it's happened. And I tried to research it, but no one has died while attempting this. As repulsive as I find this (I find this both disgusting and morbidly fascinating) I also somewhat like it. After all, you have to love living in a country where they have enough food that you can do something like this. Seriously, the even poor people are fat in America.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Scripture Sunday Alma 21:22

This is a personal favorite of mine. It should come as no surprise that most LDS are conservative politically, but you'd be surprised how many support religious liberty of all types. This passage, that states "He also declared to them that they should have the liberty of worshipping the Lord God according to their desires, in whatsoever place they were in" is a solid reminder that LDS should appreciate religious liberty.

The Book of Mormon is clear that religious liberty of all types should thrive no matter what nation you are in. Without religious liberty to worship how you want to worship, a society is in grave danger. Yes, this goes for non religious people as well. Freedom and liberty are deeply entrenched in the LDS culture, and thank God for it.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Here's an oversimplification:

Floridians love oranges. However, the state demands that residents of Florida only eat oranges grown in Florida. The state of Florida issues a tariff on out of state oranges, charging growers in Georgia and Alabama a twenty percent tax just to sell their oranges in Florida. Since Alabama and Georgia orange growers don't want to pay the extra twenty percent, they'll either jack up the prices of their oranges or simply stop selling them to Florida residents. Therefore, Florida residents are stuck with getting oranges from Florida, like it or not.

Hell, it might even create and illegal orange trade. Imagine kids at the border of the state selling oranges instead of weed.

Yes, it's an oversimplification and no, and I'm not an economist, but I think tariffs are a real bad idea. Anything that jacks up prices and gives consumers less options is something that we should really reconsider implementing.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Album of the weekend

Kiss-Self titled 

For all of the cool kids out there who either don't like Kiss or won't admit to it, this is the album of theirs you must listen too. It is, by a long shot, their most "UnKisslike" album. It's stripped down, unglamorous rock and roll that is just flat out spectacular. 

Every Kiss song you know is from this album. In fact, it's like a greatest hits album of theirs. Firehouse. Strutter. Cold Gin. Nothing to Lose. 100,000 years. Black Diamond. Just thinking about this album makes me smile. 

Before Kiss became obsessed with merchandising and making money, they were an innovative and totally fresh glam band. They did things that no one else did and really did become "the hottest band in the world." This album is not just a classic Kiss album, it's a classic rock album on par with the Stones, The Who, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. I understand people that don't like the merchandising or "juvenile" appeal of Kiss songs. I understand people who think Kiss is over the top. To be blunt, I do not understand people who do not like this album. If I played it for someone without telling them it was a Kiss album, I am convinced they would enjoy it. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Seat belt laws

About six years ago on New Years Eve I was in a car accident. I wasn't drinking, actually it was during the day and someone hit me while trying to get on the highway. 

Good news: the dog, and I, are still alive and it led to my conversion to the LDS church. One of the first blogs I posted told the story. I recently told a friend of mine that I was against mandatory seat belt laws, and he said "But you were in a car accident,  you should be for them." Actually, just because I choose to do something to keep me safe doesn't mean I would demand everyone do the same. Same with smoking cigarettes. I don't smoke because I think it's dangerous and unhealthy-just like not wearing your seat belt. 

Seat belt shouldn't be mandatory. If you choose not to wear one, you accept that getting into a car accident might lead to your death-and you pay the price for not wearing one. Choosing to wear a seat belt or not wear one doesn't effect anyone else on the road, so it's nothing like driving drunk or driving high either. The other uncomfortable truth? Just having a law demanding that everyone wears seat belts doesn't actually stop people from not wearing seat belts. 

Your life is your responsibility. The state shouldn't fine you or tell you how to live. Seat belt laws aren't going anywhere and I accept that, but no, they shouldn't exist. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

High school hosting "how to adult" classes

A high school is offering a class on how to change tires, pay bills, cook basic meals. Basically how to be an adult. This is a great idea and more schools should certainly do the same thing. For whatever reason many people graduate high school and lack these basic skills. It's not their fault if they are never taught how to do certain thing-it's the fault of their teachers, parents and mentors.

High school is miserable. It's the worst time of your life and if you say it's the best time, I feel sorry for you. You are only in high school for four years, hopefully you'll be around for seventy more after you leave that place. You are baby sat in high school, not taught any useful skills. Your algebra teacher said you'd use it in your "real life". Guess what? You haven't. So offering kids skills that they will absolutely need in the real world is a wonderful use of their time.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Those damn kids

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."-Socrates, (496-399 BC) 

I love that quote. That, along with many others, shows how older people have always bitched, nagged and complained about the upcoming generation. 

While I have many faults, one thing I don't do is bitch, nag, or complain about the upcoming generations. Not only because I don't think it's fair to them (After all, if they are so bad, doesn't the previous generation deserve some of the blame for raising them?) but I think it's a cliche that oh, 95% of people fall into.  I try to think for myself on all issues, and I try not to fall into cliches. In fact, if I personally think the same way as everyone else does and I can't express it aside from using a popular cliche, I try to reevaluate what I'm feeling. 

So many of us seem to complain about the next generation, but virtually none of us understand that it's been happening since the dawn of time. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Starting a "new life"

I think I have a touch of Aspergers. I go through phases where I'm obsessed with something than two weeks than forget about it. Recently, I've been going though a true crime kick, in particular with missing people. On a podcast (I seriously forget which one) it was suggested that the missing person "started a new life". While I'm not saying that doesn't happen, it's much harder than one might think.

While it's true, back in the early 2000s it would have been easier to start over, but still incredibly hard unless you are filthy rich or dirt poor. If you are dirt poor, you have nothing to lose and you could easily walk away-but you'd have to steal someones else's identity and social security number at the very least. If you are hugely rich, you could probably afford fake documents-but they don't sell them at Target. I'm not sure most people know someone who engages in that kind of document fraud. It's also hard to open up a bank account without ID, so be prepared to use cash for everything.

Now, it would be impossible to start over under a new identity. With cameras everywhere and people taking cell phone pictures constantly, you are bound to show up in one of them.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Scripture Sunday Mosiah 26:29

If you are an LDS or a Christian, one thing for certain is that you will fall short of what God expects from you. This isn't an insult-100% of people do this, and no one is exempt. Sometimes the sins are minor, sometimes they are major. The good news is, they are al forgivable. I know there is the belief out there that some sins are "unforgivable" but with one exception (dying without seeking forgiveness) that's not true. And this passage proves it.

"Whosoever transgress against me him shall ye judge according to the sins he has committed. And if he confesses those sins before thee and me, and repent in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will also."

Notice that God doesn't say anything about this or that sin being "unforgivable". He doesn't say "I will forgive all sins except this one. Or that one." Like I mentioned in a previous blog, we all have pet peeve sins but guess what? Those are forgivable too. Everything is forgivable.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Vulgar bumper stickers

I'm not going to post a link to it, because I find it offensive, but a Florida man was arrested after refusing to take down a classless bumper sticker from his truck. It's immature, bratty, obnoxious and classless. And it's also perfectly legal and arresting him was out of control. I'm very confident that if pressed, it'll be overturned in our legal system.

Like it or not, freedom of speech protects what we find offensive and disgusting, like what this person did. He has every right to do this, even though I personally wish he didn't and find the comment offensive. Good luck finding a girlfriend too, by the way. The kind you find you night like when you wake up and have an odd burning sensation.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Album of the Weekend

Kiss-You Wanted the Best, You Got the Best!

This album is over bashed even by Kiss fans because only four of the five tracks are "new" or at that point, previously unreleased. In fairness, that's a good point. If you already have Alive or Alive II (and you can assuredly find them dirt cheap now) you might be better off buying them instead of this one. If you are absolutely desperate to hear Kiss being interviewed by Jay Leno, then pick this album up.

Do I like this album? No, not really, even though it has on it one of my favorite Kiss songs, "I Stole Your Love.", the opening track to Love Gun. But it's on Alive II, so why bother  getting this album? The same can be said about all the other songs on the album. Why bother getting them if you already have them on other, better albums?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Spectrum issues

Spectrum cable is playing games again, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to post. In fact, I'm amazed when I woke up today that it was working. Bare with me please, my apologies. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The continuing saga of the XFL

Having learned nothing from the AAF disaster and the XFL fiasco over a decade ago, the XFL plows forward. Right now, it looks good-and the XFL inked a deal to air the games on ESPN, ABC, and Fox. Happy days are here again, and all looks good. Only one major problem. Every other football league (with the exception of the Arena League, which is hardly a powerhouse) has failed. Including ones recently.

We forget things very quickly. The AAF looked like it would succeed at first. After all, ratings were good. And yes, they were-at first. Eventually ratings tailed off and attendance was horrible. This will happen to the XFL as too. It'll get a curiosity bump at first, but there is no long term potential with this.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Royal baby

There is a new royal baby! Congrats to Meghan and Harry.

And a note to anyone who says "No one cares about the royal baby." Actually, on the contrary, many people care about the royal baby, and no one cares about your opinion. 

The uncomfortable truth is that the Kardashians and royal babies sell magazine covers and get clicks on the internet. That's why people report about them in the first place. If "no one cared" then we wouldn't hear about it.  No one outside of your own family cares about your baby-that's why it doesn't make national news. Many people care about the royal families baby. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Comparing yourself to others

I have many faults, but one of my bigger ones is that I compare myself to others. I'll see someone post something on Facebook and I'll think-"I wish I was there" or "I wish I had that." It's strange, because sometimes I'll be envious of people having things that I already enjoy. Example-someone goes to a baseball game, I'll have moments of jealousy, even though I'm a season ticket holder to both the Florida Gators baseball team and a partial season ticket holder to the Tampa Rays. Someone posts about their new car-I'll have a moment-even though both of my cars are pretty new. Someone goes out to dinner-yup, you know what I'm going to say-even if I've gone to that restaurant or "better" restaurants.

I get it and I agree that comparison is the thief of joy and lead to ingratitude. Believe me, I know I much to be thankful for and don't deserve any of it. Comparison to others is also a losing battle-you tend to judge yourself at your worst and compare yourself to an unrealistic version of others. Luckily, the moments I have usually pass quickly and I get back to enjoying my life. But like everyone else, I am human and have all the weaknesses that come with that condition.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Scripture Sunday Jacob 2:18-19

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is often thought of to be rich, and undeservingly so. In fairness, the same critique is leveled against other churches as well. Just because you are a Christian doesn't mean you have to take a vow of poverty, or should be ashamed of being well off. If you are a Christian and you make a living in the drug trade or strip clubs, then yes, you should be ashamed. But a church doesn't have to be poor-as long as it serves the kingdom of God.

Seeking riches first is a problem, but seeking the Kingdom of God first then using your money to further the mission of God is not a problem. Many churches do exactly what this passage commands them to do-they clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and liberate the captive. Like it or not, churches do a huge amount of good in our society, and you need money to do that.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Album of the weekend update

I'll be traveling and doing some volunteer work, so no album of the weekend today. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Florida Supreme Court upholds Scott Israels removal

The Florida Supreme Court, often the subject or ridicule (correctly) made a sound decision. They said that Governor DeSantis had the right to remove Scott Israel from his job.  It wasn't a political decision that the governor made, it was a practical one. Virtually no one approved of the way Scott Israel handled the Parkland massacre. It was so incompetent that it bordered on negligent.

Israel made the pathetic excuse that his firing was a political matter when in reality, it's because of his behavior and incompetence. If it was strictly politics than DeSantis would have fired other democratic sheriffs but no, they kept their job. He (Israel) is going to run again to try and regain his job. It's the most liberal county in the state of Florida, so he has a good chance of winning. If he does win, the county deserves what they got.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Joe Biden

I find Joe Biden's behavior creepy and disturbing. He's not a rapist like Bill Clinton but in 2019, he's asking for a sexual harassment suit and his behavior can easily be considered offensive.

I find Donald Trumps behavior creepy and disturbing. He's not a rapist either, but in 2019 he's asking for a sexual harassment suit and his behavior can easily be considered offensive.

Isn't life funny? Alyssa Milano, seldom seen without her MAGA hat, has no problem with creepy old Uncle Joe because he was raised in a cuddly family. I find it hard to imagine Joe was raised in a family that valued cuddles and hearts, especially because he's in late seventies and kids weren't raised the way she is describing back when he was a child. I love, love, love pointing out hypocrisy in both sides though. Trumpers find Joe Biden creepy and overly familiar, but ignore that Trumps personal problems. Biden fans find Trump disgusting and perverted, but ignore Biden groping women-behavior that would outrage them if anyone else did it.

I love politics.