Sunday, November 1, 2015

True Confessions: I am a former "Anti", and how to treat them.

This one is strictly for an LDS audience, but if you aren't so, feel free to read it anyway. 

Every single one of you (LDS) has shown such breathtaking love and compassion that I'm still not sure I can live up to it. 

I am a former "anti". I was convinced with a few snaky comments and well placed bible quotes I could shatter the faith of even the most ardent believer.  My arrogance was so high that I thought no one could ever convince me, the smartest guy in the room-to join this church. 

I thought that reading "No Man Knows my History" was enough. What? I didn't need to read anything pro-Mormon. Like the book of Mormon or anything. Imagine that, a critic who can't be bothered to read the Book of Mormon or anything pro-Mormon. 

But the bigger thing that I am slowly beginning to realize? My arrogance (and I'm still a cocky loudmouth) was based in fear and ignorance. I was afraid that if the church was correct and Christ was Christ, I would have to give up my immoral lifestyle. And I was leading one too. But there was no way the LDS church was true, right? Too many inconsistencies and historical slip ups. 

Or so I thought. 

Without getting into the actual history of the church vs what is commonly thought of, there IS a historical and logical case for LDS belief-but you have to know where to look. If you think you are smarter than Terryl Givens, Richard Bushman and James Talmedge, I'm here to tell you you aren't. They are all highly intelligent and respected academics (look outside the internet trolls and yes, these guys are deeply respected even by those who disagree). No, not saying that just because these guys are intellects and they are LDS you should be too, but I am showing that there are intelligent academics outside of BYU that are believing Mormons. 

That brings us to "antis". No, just being critical of the church does not make you an anti. An "anti" is like who I was. Someone who is unquestioning in their views, arrogant, convinced they are right and immune to listening. Basically like the internet atheists you meet. There is a time and place for Christ like compassion and there is a time to get tough. In order to properly address an anti, you can't use soft use words and cuddles. You can't show them answers in the Book of Mormon. You need to be forceful.

Imagine your high school bully with a keyboard and this time, the school administration not only ignores them or passively helps them (that's what it was like in my school) they actively support them. The only thing bullies understand (grown ups and children alike) is a pushing back. If you want to properly address an anti, you must take off your LDS hat and put on a their hat. 

Goodness this blog post is more wordy and preachy than a Stephen King novel. Sorry everyone, I'll try later. And if it's harsh. blame the antis. They made me do it.  

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