Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Transgender athletes

It's become obnoxious to hear this, but I've long since been an "ally" of the LGBT community. I was pro gay marriage in high school (and back in the late 90's, that was cutting edge, especially in a Catholic school. I was called the "f word" frequently), I was pro gay adoption back then as well. So yes, I'm a hero to the cause. I'm sure the LGBT community appreciates my support. 

Heterosexuals like me bragging about how they support the LGBT community has become self serving and unpleasant-the LGBT community has become more and more mainstream and most heterosexuals who claim to be supportive of the LGBT community are doing so they can show off how compassionate and wonderful they think they are.

I get the feeling that this will be "controversial" but eh, it's out there. I'm somewhat ambivalent about transgender men (men who become women) participating in sports strictly for biological females. Look, if everyone else has no problem with it, fine. But it does seem slightly odd. If a biologically born male transitioning to female becomes an MMA fighter, boxer or weightlifter and absolutely dominates the sport how does that make women participating in the sport feel? If they have no problem with it, fine. Than I'm fine with it too. But their opinion does matter, and if they speak out against it they'll be quickly thought of as "intolerant" and not being "inclusive".

That's the big issue too. Unless you agree with the politically correct cause on 100% of the issues, other people just shriek at you. That's incredibly disturbing to me, and it should be incredibly disturbing to everyone.

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