Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New York Dolls

The New York Dolls started everything with “Looking for a Kiss”. A clear reference to illegal narcotics, it was not only musically a catchy, little, Kiss-the-band-like pop song, it was also an incredible metaphor. And David Johansen looks just like Mick Jagger. Stephen Tyler too.  The flamboyant style of Johansen with his hand motions, boa wearing suggest femininity, not the machismo, sexless style, milquetoast lead singers. Aside from Paul McCartney’s wit and good humor (watching him banter with the press before he developed marijuana-induced senility is actually quite amusing) and the raw charisma of Mick Jagger, one is hard pressed to think of a memorable lead singer in the late 60’s. The Dolls also inspired Kiss, which, though they are one of my favorite bands, made Gene Simmons famous. Maybe the New York Dolls should be forced to spend eternity out of the Celestial kingdom as a punishment for that one. 


  1. Have you had a chance to see the documentary "New York Doll"? When David Johansen sings "Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief"...chills.

  2. No I haven't. Wow, that does seem amazing. Thanks for sharing!


    Outstanding version.

  4. That's it, if you haven't seen the documentary or know the story it underscores the theme of you blog pretty well I'd say. :)

  5. That's it, if you haven't seen the documentary or know the story it underscores the theme of you blog pretty well I'd say. :)

  6. I'll certainly check it out. Thanks again for telling me about it, I had no idea.
