Monday, April 27, 2015

Ten things you may now know about Joseph Smith Jr.

1. Many people believed that the book of Mormon was divine in origin. When The Prophets son, Joseph Smith III asked his mother if the Book of Mormon was a fake, she said, “The Book of Mormon is of divine authenticity—I have not the slightest doubt of it.” Oliver Cowdery was one of the original witnesses to the Book of Mormon. Even after he broke with the church, he never denied the divine origins, later saying, “I beheld with my eyes, and handled with my hands the gold plates from which it was translated.” Cowdery re-affirmed his belief that the plates were genuine on his deathbed, saying, “My eyes saw, my ears heard, and my understanding was touched, and I know that whereof I testified is true. It was no dream, no vain imagination of the mind—it was real"

2. The revelations of Joseph Smith jr caused him, his marriage, his family and believers in the restored gospel nothing but misery. Joseph Smith jr knew that his revelations were unbelievable. He probably didn’t know how dangerous they would be. Tarred and feathered several times by angry mobs, Joseph Smith Jr was also shot at, constantly in debt, and subjected to nothing but ridicule for his entire life before a violent and tragic death by an angry mob at age 38.  Not only was he killed, but his brother also died with him.

3. Yup. Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. No question about it. Many of the teachings of Joseph Smith Jr are troublesome by today’s standards; this might be among the most, aside from the teaching on race. More on that later. The evidence shows Joseph Smith Jr had several wives at one time, even though he publicly denounced the lifestyle.  This one revelation more than any other caused Joseph the most pain and self-doubt. It devastated an otherwise healthy and strong marriage, often stretching the marriage to point of divorce. Much is often made of the many marriages of Joseph Smith Jr, but it’s interesting that no was has been ever been proven to be the actual DNA child of Joseph Smith Jr, aside from the ones he had with Emma.

4. Mormons believe Joseph Smith Jr was as prophet, which means we think had a direct line of communication with God that no one else had after the death of the original twelve apostles. One thing a prophet must do is being able to see the future when speaking in his prophetic voice. LDS people think Joseph Smith did that. While much has been written on failed prophets and prophecies, one that is seldom talked about-and should be better known, is listed in Doctrine and Covenants 87. On Christmas Day in 1832, Joseph foresaw that “a war would begin with the rebellion of South Carolina” and that the “southern states in rebellion would call on the aid of Great Britain ” (Doctrine and Covenants 87:1-3). Both events would come true. LDS apologists maintain that several other prophecies of Joseph Smith Jr also have come to pass.

5. Joseph Smith Jr was against inter racial marriage. That’s a shame, and even though it was commonplace at the time, it’s still not something to be proud of. There is even some evidence that in the beginning of his life he had some bigoted views, they were probably more of his upbringing than his actual beliefs. Later in his life, he spoke out against slavery and even ordained black men into the priesthood. Current scholarship shows that it might have been Joseph Smith Jr’s successor, Brigham Young, that had some bigoted views. Smith in his later years was fairly progressive on the issue of race for his time.

6. Joseph Smith Jr sometimes drank beer, tea, wine, and smoked tobacco as well.  Often times in public. Not only is this behavior unbecoming a prophet of the Lord, its also specifically against the rules of the church he founded.  To make his actions even more offensive, we also know that several members of the church at that time were excommunicated for the word of wisdom violations while his were treated more like an “open secret”. No longer excommunicated for word of wisdom violations, often times converts to the church find these rules harder to accept than any other of the church teachings. The prophet himself at many times showed he was anything but perfect, and his open violations remind us that he was also a man with flaws and weakness and also an anointed Prophet.

7. He was the victim of a lynch mob. Joseph Smith Jr, along with his brother Hyrum Smith, future church president John Taylor, and the uninjured Willard Richards were shot and killed by a group of men with “painted faces”. Though sadly common at the time, mob rule was seldom stopped by authorities. This time, there was no solider with a conscience to stop the angry men. They draped their faces in black and shot their guns in through the door, killing Hyrum first and causing Joseph to fall towards a window. He fell out the window to his death after getting shot again in the hip.

8. Joseph Smith Jr was a man of many passions, and we have some letters that might indicate he struggled with a severe depression at times. According to the brilliant “Rough Stone Rolling” by Richard Lyman Bushman, at a time when his companion was in bed with a broken leg, Joseph felt bored and disinterested. “With nothing to do buy mediate, old sorrows came flooding back (Bushman 185)” One can blame a temporary feeling of sadness, but feelings of despair and misery come up again later while the Prophet was imprisoned. “  O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place? (Doctrine and Covenant 121:1) The entire revelation is a rather touching description of a Prophet seriously asking God questions that all people-prophet or not-have struggled with.

9.Joseph Smith Jr. was the always on the verge of bankruptcy and nearly almost broke. Though no one would ever say the Smith family was rich, or even middle class, there were many other families that it worse. Joseph Smith Sr kept his family fed, but that was it. They moved around while the Prophets father struggled to find work. Joseph Jr probably never learned how to handle money, and his handling of it later in life showed. Bankrupted by the temple construction and feeding a growing family without a steady source of income, Joseph Jr was always in debt, unable to provide Emma with the lifestyle her middle class parents might have gotten her accustomed too.

10. Latter Day Saints view him has a prophet, but they do not worship him. One of the biggest misconceptions of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are asked is: Do you worship Joseph Smith Jr? The answer should be obvious, we’re called the church of Jesus Christ after all, but it probably needs to be said again, and frequently. No, LDS members do not, have not, and never have at their time ever worshiped Joseph Smith Jr. Faithful LDS members accept the fact that while he was a mortal man, he did have the gift of being the anointed prophet of God.

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