Thursday, July 21, 2016

True confessions-I absolutely despise camping

I like being outdoors.  I used to hike the 4,000 footers when I lived in New Hampshire (usually mountains you could complete within a day, some were overnighters) and I like to fish. So no, I'm not against being outside. 

But the time I spent on camping trips (only three weekends growing up, thank God)  and summer camp (One and half miserable weeks) all during childhood were among the worst times of my life. What made it worse is that I knew my family enjoyed it and I was the only one who didn't like it. As a child I would dream about staying in a city in a five star hotel, going to concerts, coffee houses and art galleries while my family was in the middle of the woods. Once Walkmans were created, I'd load myself up with cassette tapes and try my best to dream of being in a library. 

I don't get the appeal of camping at all. Why some people think that going out in the sweltering heat, freezing rain or bug infested outdoors period is a good time is beyond me. No, that doesn't make them (or me) bad people. Too often though, even in 2016 men are thought of us "weak" or "not masculine" if we don't like being outdoors "roughing it." It's like some asinine right of passage that in order to be a man you need to have a Cabela's credit card and the ability to start a fire using only flint like on Survivor. 

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