Thursday, April 19, 2018


I'm a Dunkin Donuts guy. Every day I have a decaf coffee from them, been doing it for years. I'm like that guy who ate 30,000 Big Macs from Wisconsin. I've tried Starbucks before, and I feel like I'm being unfaithful to a twenty year marriage. Other than that, I find Starbucks pretentious, snotty and their coffee just ain't very good. Recently, they've got into some racial trouble when two African American men were arrested for loitering.  I don't know the details, but yes, I think it's overkill to arrest someone for loitering. 

Howard Schultz did the perp walk and begged forgiveness for this. He's closing down 8,000 Starbucks so that the employees can undergo racial sensitivity training. In other words, Howard Schultz is not letting a good crisis go to waste. 

The average Starbucks customer does not exactly have a "Make America Great Again" hat in their closet. Starbucks knows this. They know that shutting down the stores and forcing their employees to go to racial sensitivity training will them look even more politically correct and sympathetic to left leaning causes. Their customer base will love this, and more importantly-their customer base will despise them if they don't do this. Starbucks knows this. Howard Schultz knows this. He's playing us all like a fiddle. 

When the social justice warriors turn their backs on Starbucks, you know they are devouring their own. 

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