Monday, March 5, 2018

The Oscars

The Oscars were last night and no, I didn't watch it. While I don't go so far as to say that "No one cares about the Oscars" (obviously people do) I do think that interest in the movies and the Oscars are declining. Fewer and fewer people go to the movies in theaters. Of course movies aren't going anywhere-people still watch them on Amazon Prime and Netflix. However I do think that movies aren't as popular as they once were. In 2018 we have so many choices for our entertainment and movies have to compete with a lot. This isn't 1950 anymore where you didn't have much to do aside from radio shows and movies.

Actors and actresses are still very influential-that's not going anywhere-but they aren't as influential as they used to be. The sad part is that they still grossly overvalue themselves. When you live in a bubble (and make no mistake, all successful actors live in a bubble that protects them from the horrors of the real world) you begin to think that everyone should obey what you think. Many are shocked that the rest of the world doesn't do what they say or dares to challenge what they believe on political and social issues.

Of course everyone, even people I disagree with, has a right to be vocal with their opinion. So yes, saying they should "Shut up and sing/act/play basketball" is foolish and frankly, unAmerican. They have a right to say whatever they wish, but fewer and fewer of us are listening.

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