Sunday, January 28, 2018

Scripture Sunday 1 Nephi 18:23

LDS seem to have a special attachment to the United States of America, and this passage is why. I'm not an expert on the Book of Mormon, but I believe that the passage "the promised land" is mentioned several times and I believe they are talking about America. Granted, recent scholarship leads some people to believe that the passengers in the original journey to the promised land did not land in modern day America-and I'm not making a claim as to where Nephi and his family landed. However, the "promised land" that this scripture talks about has long been thought of to be America, and most LDS consider America sacred.

A note-I'm writing this blog on I-84 in Connecticut right outside of Hartford. It's amazing to me that technology has advanced so much in the last twenty years and made things like this possible. 

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