Monday, August 8, 2016

Molly, Peter and Jack

LDS have heard the phrases "Molly Mormon, Peter Priesthood, and Jack Mormon." To the outside world, a Molly Mormon is a stereotypical "good little LDS girl" who does all the things you'd think a good little LDS girl does. She has 4-5 kids, probably doesn't work outside the house and is "the type" that wouldn't dare date a guy who didn't serve and complete a mission.

Peter Priesthood is the male version of that. An Eagle Scout who served a mission faithfully, he thinks cursing is saying something like "Oh Jeez" and that growing a beard/mustache is on par with killing someone in regards to sin. He got married young, had kids young, and follows the rules of the church rigorously.

Jack Mormons are those who pick and choose what church rules they want to follow, wether for personal convenience, being rebellious, or they just don't agree with the church on this or that issue. I get the feeling that Harry Reid, John Hunstman Jr are both Jack Mormons to some degree because they break from the church on key issues. To be clear I'm a Jack Mormon too on some issues, so I don't call others that as a pejorative, it's descriptive.

I really do sympathize with all three terms and the people called them. I feel sorry for anyone called a name they don't like being called. It also must seem strange if you are doing your best to follow the rules as you see them and get insulted for it. That said, it's also insulting if, by reason or experience you don't agree with a certain rule of the church and are insulted by a self righteous prig who looks down on you because you choose to think for yourself. So I feel sorry for all three types of people really.

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